TSP’s 2-month winning streak ends with a slow June (By Nicole Ogrysko)

A slow June saw lower or negative returns for many of the funds in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) after a winning streak in May and April. One retirement fund posted a higher return in June than the previous month, but all others saw noticeably lower decreases or remained virtually unchanged. Read more

WEBINAR: Decisions About Long-Term Care Planning

Join us on Tuesday, July 11th at 12:00 pm EST

Imagine having an expense that could wipe out all of your savings, and there was a 70% chance that this could happen to you or your spouse. Well this is not imaginary; It’s the cold, hard facts! This can be completely destructive to a family’s assets if you do not have a strategy in place. Futhermore, the consequences of a health impairment can be very hard on a family.  Read more

WEBINAR: Thrift Savings Plan – Considerations in Retirement

Join us on Tuesday, June 20th at 12:00 pm EST

The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a great retirement savings method for Federal Employees. The low expenses, diverse investment options, 5% employer match, and Roth option, make it a great vehicle for accumulating your nest egg. As an employee, your savings and investment options are pretty straightforward. Once in retirement, withdrawal options can be much more complicated. This course explores the options available, along with factors to consider before making these important withdrawal decisions. If you are preparing for retirement this course is a must.

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Should a Trust be the Beneficiary of Your IRA? Pros and Con

For many Americans, the assets in their Individual Retirement Account represent a significant portion of the wealth they hope to leave to their loved ones. You may have heard that creating a trust and naming it as the beneficiary of your IRA is a good way to direct how your assets are distributed after your death and force your heirs to “stretch” the IRA for generations. However, trusts and inherited IRAs are complex vehicles that have a lot of details to get right. Here are some of the pros and cons of naming a trust as a beneficiary of your IRA:

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Questions About Medicare? Here Are Some Answers

Medicare is complex and today’s changing health care landscape makes it more important than ever to fully understand how it works. If you or someone you know is near retirement, you may have questions about how to enroll in Medicare and what Medicare covers. Here are answers to some common questions about Medicare that can help you understand your options and avoid costly errors or gaps in coverage. Read more