6 Retirement Questions Government Employees Should Be Asking

Making the transition from the workforce to retirement can be demanding. After years in the public sector, you’re ready to settle into a more comfortable and leisurely lifestyle. As professional financial advisors, we understand the challenges that may lie ahead and present this special report to answer your most pressing retirement questions.

A fluctuating market, an unsteady economy, political instability, and an unclear vision of your financial future— these are all factors that may shake your confidence as you enter a new phase in life. The dream of a comfortable and enjoyable retirement may sometimes get clouded amid the uncertainties of changing circumstances and transitions.

An increasing number of Americans, including public sector employees, are wondering whether they can afford to retire. Will their savings last? Is Social Security adequate supplemental income? How will public pensions and other government programs fit into their retirement puzzle?

Add to the mix taxes, survivor benefits, health care, leaving behind the familiar workday routine, and the emotional strain of disconnecting from workplace colleagues, and suddenly the gleam on those upcoming golden years begins to fade.

Developing a retirement strategy may help provide you with a deeper sense of financial stability and a greater confidence for a bright future.

This material is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended to provide tax, accounting or legal advice or to serve as the basis for any financial decisions. Individuals are advised to consult with their own accountant and/or attorney regarding all tax, accounting and legal matters