OPM Faces Its First Test of Recent Retirement Processing Tweaks  

OPM Faces Its First Test of Recent Retirement Processing Tweaks

The number of new retirement claims received by the federal government’s HR agency doubled in January, marking the start of the annual busy season.

The annual retirement surge is officially upon us, as the number of new claims doubled between December 2023 and last month, giving the Office of Personnel Management a chance to stress the efficacy of recent tweaks to the retirement process. Click HERE to read more.


Crafting Your Perfect Retirement Exit Strategy

Crafting Your Perfect Retirement Exit Strategy

These pre-retirement tasks can help ensure a smooth transition.

Most of the work that I’ve done over the past 39 years has been assisting federal employees separate from federal employment and move into their life after retirement.

As you might expect, there are some employees who have a smooth transition and others hit a few roadblocks that slow down the process.  Click HERE to read more.

What Is the Purpose of the I Fund and How Much Should You Invest in it?

What Is the Purpose of the I Fund and How Much Should You Invest in it?

By Carol Schmidlin

The objective of the I Fund is to match the performance of the MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index. The earnings consist of gains (or losses) in the price of stocks, dividend income, and change in the relative value of currencies.

This was proposed in 2017 and put on hold for several years. TSP is now considering this again. As you can see the MSCI EAFE is limited and is not a true representation of the international index. This is scheduled to go into effect this year!

If you are not sure how much to contribute you can either choose a lifecycle fund the coincides with your retirement date. I also highly encourage you to visit www.MyTSPVision.com and do a risk analysis. This is a great website run by Brad Kasper.

Also, please feel free to contact me at 856-401-1101 or email me at carol@franklinplanning.com.

Source: www.TSP.gov









FERS Hits the Big 4-0: Has it Been That Long?

FERS Hits the Big 4-0: Has it Been That Long? 

Today, FERS accounts for all but several percent of the federal workforce. It also probably accounts for the majority of retirees today. 

Since its beginning, the Federal Employees Retirement System has been known as the “new” system, in comparison with the “old” Civil Service Retirement System. Click HERE to find out more.


How Some People Escape The Steep Medicare Surcharge on Premiums Known as IRMAA

How Some People Escape The Steep Medicare Surcharge on Premiums Known as IRMAA

“Our federal health benefit program started in 1960 and Medicare didn’t start until 1965, so we always had lifetime coverage as federal retirees,” explained Tammy Flanagan, principal of the Retire Federal consulting firm in Bradenton, Fla. “The majority of federal retiree still don’t have to take Medicare.” Click HERE to read more.