Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

The Shutdown is Over — For Now. Here’s a Financial Plan To Get Workers Back on Track The government agencies that were shut down are back in business, but the financial crisis it left behind for many federal workers and contractors isn’t over. Yes, the 800,000 federal employees who were affected will get their back […]

Now is the Time to Seize the Day

By Carol Schmidlin Last January, the feature articles in our newsletter were “Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Roth IRA”, and the highlights of the “Trump Tax Plan”. Our webinar for that month was “Roth TSP, Peaks and Pitfalls”.  Well now a year has gone by and we are nine months away, September 2019, from […]

Tax-Efficient Retirement Strategies

With the threat of higher taxes looming in the future, the need for tax-efficient retirement planning may be more valuable now than ever before. Although we alone can’t fix the 21 Trillion and growing National Debt, there are opportunities to utilize tax-efficient strategies to reduce your tax burden in the future. Tue, May 15, 2018 […]

Happy 20th Anniversary Roth IRA! – Author: Carol Schmidlin

January 1, 2018, marks the 20th Anniversary of the Roth IRA, which was established by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and named for its chief legislative sponsor, Senator William Roth of Delaware. Investing in a Roth allows you to pay tax on the seed (the smaller, contribution amount) and reap the bounties of the harvest (the contributions plus earnings) tax […]