Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

FERS OPM Medical Retirement: Falling Through the Cracks

Where did that phrase originate from? It often refers to small things slipping through without getting noticed because of their insignificance, whether because of size or lack of notoriety. Children who lack popularity are often thought to be in danger of falling through the cracks — of not being given their due attention; of being […]

TSP G-Fund: Nag or Derby Winner?

With inflation running at 8.3% year-to-year many federal-military Thrift Savings Plan investors are looking for a safer haven both for their current account balance and future purchases. After a record long run, the stock market has been acting funny. A European war, worldwide pandemic and broken supply chain will do that. Both to stock markets […]

TSP Mutual Fund Window – Key Dates

Service Provider Transition Cutover Dates & Deadlines As a reminder, the consequences of not following the provided requirements and deadlines will result in your inability to interact with the new TSP environment. This may lead to breakage, additional administrative burden, financial burden, and disruptions to your current interaction with the TSP. Cutover Dates & Deadlines […]


May is a month to celebrate the older Americans in our country and honor their lives and the accomplishments they still have ahead of them. Older Americans Month was established in 1963 by President John F. Kennedy to bring awareness to the types of programs and support older Americans need to succeed. The Administration of […]