Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

Keeping Your Retirement Plans Close to the Vest

I know it’s early in the year. However, I’m also aware that some of you are already thinking about retiring. Good for you! Because planning ahead is a crucial step in assuring that your transition from employment to retirement is smooth, you need to make sure that you avoid any last-minute bumps in the road. […]

Many Forms Now Obsolete, Don’t Use Them, TSP Says

The TSP has issued a notice to agencies, but applying to account holders as well, saying that many of the forms it traditionally used—whether submitted hard copy or electronically—are now obsolete and should not be used. In most cases those transactions now must be made through the My Account section of tsp.gov as a result […]

Rubio Reintroduces Bill to Prevent TSP Investments In China

A bill to prevent assets managed by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, Washington, from being invested in certain Chinese companies has been reintroduced in the Senate. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., reintroduced the TSP Fiduciary Security Act, which would amend the board’s fiduciary duty to include a requirement not to harm national security, on Jan. 30. Under […]

Keeping Watch on Your Federal Retirement Application

After you submit your federal retirement application, your personnel office will finish the processing and forward the package to your payroll office, which will authorize your final salary payment and a lump sum payment for any unused annual leave. It will also certify and close out your individual retirement record. Then, it will forward your […]