Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

Reducing or Canceling FEGLI after Retirement

Unless you have assigned your Federal Employees Group Life Insurance coverage, you may reduce or cancel it at any time, including after retirement. However, as a retiree you cannot increase your FEGLI coverage unless you are reemployed by the government. You may wish to cancel it, for example, because a potential need that you were […]

Carol Schmidlin Renews Membership with the Financial Services Institute

FSI Advocates for Main Street Americans’ Access to Objective, Affordable Financial Advice  Carol Schmidlin of Franklin Planning LLC announced she has renewed membership with the Financial Services Institute (FSI) in Washington, D.C. FSI advocates for Main Street Americans’ access to objective, affordable financial advice, delivered by a growing network of independent financial advisor members.  “I […]

How to Avoid Taxes on Your Federal Retirement

We’ve all heard it. There is nothing we can do to avoid death and taxes, but is that really true? When it comes to death, I have nothing for you. I have not yet found the fountain of youth but I’ll keep you posted. While avoiding 100% of taxes is probably not going to happen, there […]

New Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) Regulations

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued a final regulation on November 16, 2022, to support enhancing stability and flexibility in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) by amending when abbreviated underwriting is offered to prospective enrollees and finalizing rules for the suspension of applications for coverage. This Benefits Administration Letter (BAL) provides […]