Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

Senators Want Update from OPM On Federal Retirement Improvements

Bicameral lawmakers are urging the Office of Personnel Management to share its plan to reduce wait times for processing federal employees’ retirement claims. Feds often have to wait two to three months to start receiving retirement benefits after they submit a claim. The delays stem from OPM’s legacy retirement system, which is largely paper-based. OPM […]

Updated Beneficiary Designation Form

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently published an updated SF 3102, Designation of Beneficiary, with a revision date of October 2022. The updated SF 3102 is to be used by employees and retirees covered under both the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). All employees, retiring employees, and retirees […]

Understanding the FDIC

It’s natural to wonder exactly how a bank safeguards your money. Fortunately, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance exists for this very reason: to help protect your funds once deposited. Read on to explore the purpose of FDIC insurance, how it works, and what it covers. WHAT IS FDIC INSURANCE? The FDIC is an […]