Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

Maximum Telework Designation to End May 15, OPM Says

OPM has said that the “maximum telework” government-wide operating status designation, put in place more than three years ago in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, will end May 15 since “COVID-19 is not driving decisions regarding how federal agencies work and serve the public as it was at the outset of the pandemic.” That follows […]

U.S. Government’s Investment Options Are Good but Could Be Great

The U.S. Federal Thrift Savings Plan’s Lifecycle Funds’ unique status as part of a huge government entity is a blessing and a curse. As the workplace retirement savings vehicle for U.S. federal civilian workers and uniformed services members, the Federal Retirement Thrift Savings Plan stands as the largest defined-contribution plan in not only the United […]

FERS, TSP and Leaving a Federal Job Before Retirement Age

Not everyone who starts a federal career will end up still being a federal employee at the time they retire. I remember when I started as a federal employee; I thought my job (city letter carrier) was going to be but a stop on my career journey. Twenty-six years later, I retired from Treasury as […]

Five Things Federal Employees Should Know for Retirement

Knowing the ins and outs of retirement is challenging, especially for federal government employees. After years serving the federal government, it’s time for federal employees to reap the many unique rewards a federal retirement plan offers. Retirement preparation is hard for everyone, but navigating federal benefits can add a layer of complexity and red tape […]