Entries by Karen Dzierzynski

TSP Millionaire Count Continues Recovery

The count of TSP millionaires continued to recover in the first three months of this year, although it remains below the level of 12 months before and well below the peak at year-end 2021. The count stood at just above 88,000 as of March 31, up from just under 77,000 at year-end 2022 (the TSP […]

A Meaningful Memorial Day

Memorial Day is about honoring the brave service members who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. Every year, I’m reminded of how deeply grateful I am for their courage and humbled by their dedication to securing our most cherished freedoms. While we enjoy the long weekend, I invite you to take a moment […]

OPM’s ‘Retirement Quick Guide’ Aims To Tackle Immediate Challenges For Retiring Feds

The Office of Personnel Management took a step to address more immediate concerns from retiring federal employees, ahead of the agency’s long-term efforts to modernize retirement services. A new “retirement quick guide,” which OPM published Monday, aims to help federal employees and recent retirees better understand and navigate the current federal retirement process. “This is […]