Entries by FedSavvy

Federal Employees’ Wages Rise

Starting in January of 2016, thirteen cities across the country will see a significant bump in salary for federal workers. This plan has been steadily moving along since May 2013, but now it finally has a date on which these changes will take place. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics has recorded data that shows […]

Weekly Roundup

4 Million Federal Employees Hacked! The Office of Personnel Management is informing 4 million current and former employees that they have had personal information hacked from the OPM databases. this is the second time this year that OPM data has been breached by an unwanted party. The FBI is still performing their investigation into how the […]

Weekly Roundup

Goal Planning App Sometimes, the hardest part of planning your retirement is figuring out what YOU want to do. It is a whole new chapter in your life and setting goals for yourself can be a major help and also a major pain in neck. Retirement Goal Planning System is an app (available only on […]

How to Avoid 5 Costly Mistakes With Your TSP

Tune into our live Webinar on Tuesday, June 16th TSP is the largest defined contribution retirement savings plan in the world. There are over 510 billion in assets. You have a wide range of investments and best of all, the fee is ridiculously low at .028%. But there are some common mistakes that are often […]

A Family Mother’s Day

Every year for Mother’s Day, fathers all around the country round up the kids and take them to the park or out to the movies and give mom the day home alone to relax. While this can be amazing (and hard to come by) for any mother, maybe this is the year to try something […]