May is a month to celebrate the older Americans in our country and honor their lives and the accomplishments they still have ahead of them.

Older Americans Month was established in 1963 by President John F. Kennedy to bring awareness to the types of programs and support older Americans need to succeed. The Administration of Community Living sets a theme for Older Americans Month every year. This year’s theme is “Age My Way.” Community support, participation, and accessibility are essential for people of all ages, especially for older Americans.

If you identify as an older American, we have some tips to help you take care of your mind, body, and finances:

• Stay Active: Physical activity is important for people of all ages, but it’s vital for older Americans. If you don’t have complete mobility, you     may still want to add some gentle physical activity to your routine.

• Grow Your Community: Socialization helps keep your mind sharp as you age but making new friends can seem daunting. If you have a passion, it’s likely that someone else shares that passion, too.

• Refresh Your Estate Strategy: As you age and life continues to change, it’s a good idea to revisit your estate strategy to make certain it still reflects your goals. Now’s a great time to have those conversations with your family members to make sure everyone knows what your wishes are.